Hi There! Welcome to Digital Papercrafts, a Shiny Designs company.

As an artist and crafter, paper is a central element to creativity. It’s often our first “art supply.”

While actual paper is wonderful – the feel of it, the texture, the thickness and the body of good quality paper, the pebbly surface of heavy rag paper and the sound it makes when you shake it, the lovely riiiip you get and those feathered edges after it’s torn….. Just lovely.

The allure of digital art and the painted pixel seem to leave paper behind. But, it doesn’t have to be this way. DigitalPapercrafts.com is about the intersection of those two worlds and how to live happily in both spaces. Who says you have to choose? Why not paint with pixels and images- then print it out to finish with your favorite real world paper and techniques. Or, start with paper and bring it into the digital world to embellish in the way that you can only do with digital.

There’s no one “right” way!

Come along into the space between paper and pixels and find the ideas, help and inspiration you need to make your own creative collision.