Kickstarter project countdown 10 days to launch Floral Zine

The Kickstarter project countdown has begun! We’re just 10 days away from the launch of my Kickstarter project, and I’m both excited and nervous to share the details with you.

Project Details

This project is centered around a beautiful, full-color zine that showcases a series of my abstract floral paintings. Each piece in the series is part of my ongoing exploration of nature’s cycles and the beauty of imperfection, influenced by the concept of wabi-sabi. Alongside the artwork, the zine also includes studio notes that explain about my creative process, offering a behind-the-scenes look at how the paintings come to life.

What to Expect as a Backer

By supporting this project, you’ll not only receive a hand-crafted and signed 12-page zine but also get access to some exclusive goodies. Here’s what you can choose from:

  • Digital Wallpaper: Brighten your phone with a beautiful floral wallpaper.
  • Digital PDF Copy of the Zine: Enjoy the zine in digital format.
  • Hand-Signed Zine: A 5.5 x 8.5 (half-letter) 12-page full-color zine, mailed directly to you.
  • Postcard Print: A full color 4×6 inch print of the cover painting.
  • Combo Reward: Both physical items plus all digital items.

Everything is ready to go! The zines are back from the printer, assembled and stapled, and the postcards are printed and waiting to be sent to their new homes.

Why This Project Matters

In today’s digital age, it’s easy for art to get lost in the online noise. I believe in the power of direct, tangible connections with art. This project is my way of creating a community where we can connect over a shared love for creativity and the natural world, without the interference of algorithms.

Your support will help bring this project to life, spreading joy and creativity far and wide into the world. I’ve never released a project this way and a Kickstarter project countdown is both exciting and unnerving. I’m deeply grateful for every bit of encouragement and backing you give.

Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the launch date on June 21, 2024. Let’s make something beautiful together!