I’ve spent a good part of the morning just trying to figure what order to start pulling all the projects and various parts of the book together. That often turns into serious procrastination so, I do what any sane person would do:

Eat some chocolate and do the very easiest thing first.

That usually works to get me going and it did. I started with double checking the abbreviation for the word “inch” to make sure it is consistent throughout. It’s a start and it allowed me to put off dealing with a much more unpleasant problem.

One of the projects has to be reworked. Never a good thing – I goofed with the original pattern measurements and it didn’t felt like as I planned and is absolutely the wrong size and shape. There isn’t enough yarn to make it again and I can’t get that particular yarn quickly. That means I’m off to the store this evening to get more yarn and will have to completely redraft the pattern in addition to the rework. This is why samples are made and instructions tested – to save innocent knitters from this sort of aggravation.

Even with that problem, there’s a bright spot. I get to go buy yarn!