I’ve been busy both in the studio and releasing art in the world as part of my Art in Hands Project and I want to share the studio updates with you. I wanted to share some updates with you!

Art in the World – The Art in Hands Project

These past few weeks have been both exciting and a little nerve-wracking as I’ve launched several projects into the world. I’ve typically released my art in ways that have become comfortable, but this new approach feels… different, even a little uncertain. But it’s a good kind of uncertainty, the kind that makes you grow.

The Kickstarter campaign wrapped up with a bang, and all the rewards have been sent out. It was great fun, and I’m already planning another one—more on that below.

So far, I’ve done two Art Drops in my local area, and I was thrilled to be able to see that one of them was picked up within a couple of hours! I’m working on more drops and even creating a few pieces specifically for this project. I’ve also designed a special sticker for the lucky recipient to learn more about the art they’ve found.

Art in the World - Found Art Descriptive Sticker
The sticker I put on Art Drops – It links to this page

Dark of the Moon – New Series

This series was originally intended to be my first Kickstarter project, but I realized it was more complex than I wanted for a first try. I’m glad I started with the simpler zine project—there was a LOT to learn!

The finished reward packages

Now, I’m back to work on the “Dark of the Moon” series, and it feels much more like the right timing. This series is darker and moodier than my usual work, with 7 or 8 paintings, all in the same size. I’m exploring various ways to share them—prints, maybe another zine, and perhaps even a book with studio notes and behind the scenes to accompany the originals. I’m aiming to release the series in a month or so. Despite the darker tones, there’s a Storybook feel emerging…

Dark of the Moon mixed media series works in progress

Odd Ideas – Things I Think About Creating

I thought it could be fun to occasionally share some of the creative ideas that wander through my mind but don’t always come to life. Consider it a little peek into my creative process.

This week, I saw a motorcyclist with a helmet sticker that said “Freak” in a pretty, but not too unusual font. The sticker wasn’t large, and the rider didn’t look the part at all, but it sparked an idea. I’m toying with the concept of a gritty, distressed zine with a freak-show vibe. What do you think? Who’s with me?