What’s your filing style?
photo credit: Orin Zebest
A dark hobbit hole where a paper tornado tore through
photo credit: Jeffrey Beall
Receipts in a pile on the desk, unopened bank statements lying around and coffee spilled on the checkbook
photo credit: orphanjones
Receipts in a box along with the bank statements and everything else
Receipts in a file or folders by month, bank statements with them, important papers in a file
photo credit: Keith Williamson
Receipts in files, bank statements reconciled and in a separate file, other papers in their own files
photo credit: Miia Ranta
Same as above only the files are in order
photo credit: mcfarlandmo
Gleaming file cabinets with every paper scrap alphabetized and cross referenced
Where are you? Tell me in the comments where you fall on this scale and, don’t worry, there isn’t any “right” answer. The only thing that matters is if it’s working, so let’s hear about it!