Last Stop to Crazytown

Party Time in Crazytown

Burn Crazytown

I thought you might like to see a sample of (very) personal digital art created from stock images and collaged into digital papercraft cards. They are the result of my trip to Crazytown with some family matters over the holiday (better now, thanks!)  I’ve posted a more detailed description of how they’re made over on

These started with a collection of images, over 35, that I found expressive. Then, I used the basic art principles of color, balance, harmony and composition to create a cohesive set of images except in the digital world.

From here, I could print these out and use them as large artist cards, frame them, or mount them on chipboard to display on small easels. Or, they could stay safely locked away in the digital world!

I hope you enjoyed this little peek into the digital side of art. I’d love to hear from you if you have question or thought. Leave a comment or drop me a note – I’d love to hear from you!