Multicolor Vine Resize

Yes, I’m asking you to unsubscribe from the ShinyDesigns mailing list. Why in heavens name would I do that? Because I want to make sure that you’re interested in what might be landing in your inbox and I’m not the best judge of that – you are.

What’s Up

Many of you are long-time subscribers and know that this site has gone through a few iterations; others have joined along the way and may not be interested in the jogs and turns I seem to take.

For the foreseeable future, this site will be devoted to a wide range of creative undertakings: pretty much anything that grabs my fancy. That means articles on art and painting, then maybe something on paper crafts or digital art, then onto information on writing and the creative process,  an article on sewing the old-fashioned way and maybe even a funny little story with a weird ending – who knows?

So, if that sounds not at all like what you signed up for or something that will irritate you no end, please unsubscribe – right now! Just click here to immediately and completely unsubscribe.

What to Expect, Maybe

If you’re still reading, bless your heart! I thank you and hope you find some inspiration, or at least a smile, in what you’ll find here.

I’ve done so many different things and my interests span so many topics that I can’t keep it all separate and have gotten tired of trying to put each thing in its own neat little box. That’s why it’s all going into one place now.

Some things I do for fun, some for free and some I charge money for but even that is subject to change. I make stuff – all kinds of stuff – and this is where I’ll share treasures found along the way. So, come along with me for a walk on the creative side!