I’m feeling generous and a little sneaky today so here’s the game:
Guess what this plant is growing in my yard and get a gift of a limited edition digital collection: French Country Style Honey Bee tags. These tags are from my personal collection, are only available here and won’t be sold. So, the only way to get them is to figure out what the heck is this thing!

Three Hints
- It’s a plant
- It’s edible
- I live in East Central Florida in USDA hardiness zone 9B (give or take- it’s more like Zone 10 in a lot of ways)
The Details
All you have to do is comment with your guess. You can answer as many times as you like and any correct (or sort of correct – I said I was feeling generous, after all) answer will count. The game will run until Friday, September 7. Then I’ll post the answer and we’ll see how sneaky I managed to be!
The Honey Bee Original Artwork
These tags are original digital printable tags made from my own watercolors and other components. You’re free to use them as you want for personal and limited commercial uses. You can read the license here (it’s the same as the Halloween Tags) and your printable copy won’t have the watermark or the background. If you’re interested in creating something of your own, here’s the original digital collection.
The paintings are watercolor on cold press with a limited palette of yellow ocher, burnt sienna and Mars Black. Again, that’s based on the Old Masters palette from Nita Leland’s Exploring Color. I really like that color palette with the addition of the Mars Black – so subtle and rich!
So, let’s get started – What the Heck is This?