Pinterest Zombie Pin Gears Stencil on pink background

Hi there!
If you’re reading this I’m guessing you’ve arrived here from Pinterest looking for this stencil. I’m sorry to say I don’t sell that product myself anymore and I can’t seem to remove that pin from Pinterest no matter how hard I try! It’s on someone else’s board and beyond my reach.

But, I’ve got a source for it – you can get it here at istencils along with quite a few other really cool stencils in their “Bad Ass” line.

While I’ve dabbled in selling various creative products over the years, I’m focusing on creating and sharing the creative process now as a mixed media artist. If that’s something you’re interested in, you can get my occasional newsletter here. It’s a mix of studio and art updates and subscriber only bonuses and freebies – I’d love to see you there!

Find out more about me.