level 36 bureaucrat
Creative Commons License photo credit: me and the sysop

When it keeps you from your goals. So many people I work with are waiting – on hold. They say “I’ll be ready to go when my business cards are finished,” or “I’ve got to get my brochures ready before I can start.” The paper, or lack of it, is paralyzing.

Let’s face it, starting a business can be scary and anything we find that delays the big moment of saying “I’m in business” keeps us comfortable. The comfort is extended but so is the paralysis.

Stuff You Don’t Need to Start Your Business

  • Business Cards
  • Flyers
  • Marketing Material

Yes, it’s nice to have these tangible notices of being a legitimate business owner but the real validation is in your own belief. When you say it, it’s true. The more you say it, the more you believe it and so will everyone else.

What paper are you looking for? Let me know in a note or a comment and let’s see how to get around that obstacle.