The mixed media floral paintings I’ve been making feel like they’ve bloomed into a small series! Plus, I’m experimenting with ways of making them available in other ways to bring that floral joy into the world.
I mentioned earlier that the energy of the Winter Forest series had started to brighten into a series of flowers and that I was a little surprised that I’d not really explored florals. Well – they certainly came upon me this year!
My creative and studio practice is evolving in the direction of more solitude and introspection while becoming even more attuned to the cycles of the forest I live with. I’ve been here, is this specific place, for a few years now and feel the energy and nature of it ever more strongly. Lately, I’ve been looking back at older work and can see the move toward more natural energy and expression in my work. I’m both excited and unsure about where this could take me!
For now, the flowers have had their season though I’ll likely return to them because they’re one of my three main creative themes: Orbs & Pods, Figures & Portraits, and Flora – fruit and vegetables, plants, trees and flowers. For this cycle, I’ve created 9 mixed media floral paintings as part of this series. There’s a gallery of all of them below, click on one to see the whole image. I’m also experimenting with turning some of them into into prints and other things to brighten everyday.
A Floral Journal for Spring and Summer
Find this floral journal in my Etsy shop. It’s the perfect size to take with you on Spring and Summer outings at the size of a half sheet of paper. The pages are dotted so you can journal and sketch any way you like. It’s only available until 9/17/24 and then it’s gone!
Gallery: The Mixed Media Flower Paintings
Click on any image to see the full painting.