I’ve been experimenting with these panels by painting them with whatever paint is left from each session. I try to keep each one somewhat cohesive and they’re getting more interesting with each layer; I’ve even started sanding them back for more texture and complexity. I really don’t know how they’ll develop or where they’re going!
Tag: painting
They Take on a Life of Their Own
Hey! November is picking up speed already – do you make holiday specific things? As for me: Sometimes I do, […]
One Crazy Idea and an Odd Paper Mache Sculpture
Then, I had the wild idea to put together Christmas/Holiday capsule collection of a few things featuring my art.
Have I actually made that art? NO!
But I can say I’ve started it now (barely LOL)
Look what followed me home!
How’s your season going? It’s already past Halloween and that seemed to blink by! The leaves are still holding on […]
They don’t all work out…
This mixed media on canvas has been fighting me from the beginning. It started out as a chicken with a […]