November is picking up speed already – do you make holiday specific things? As for me: Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t…
That Crazy Idea is NOT Cooperating
In my last note, I shared that I was thinking of putting together a product collection around a piece of artwork. I also had only barely started that piece. Well, predictably, it’s being balky and not going anywhere that I intended. It’s funny how they get a mind (personality, even) of their own as they come into being.
The product collection is definitely happening – it may just be completely different thing when it comes into being. Creativity is like that…

Do your projects seem to take on a life of their own and become their own selves as you work? Maybe it’s just me…
Classes – I Found Some!
I’m always on the lookout for classes and workshops that have a little more depth and I’m happy to share some of those with you. Check out this all shiny and new page for the ones I thought looked most interesting. I’ll be updating and refining this list so be sure to let me know what you think.
Shine On!
PS I’m closing in on finishing a Zine for November and hope to have those ready soon. There won’t be very many and they ONLY go to subscribers so sign up here to find out when they drop!